SONATA: 18th Jan 2014
IBS 25th Jan 2014
- Write a for loop using java1.5 version.
- What is generics? Give an example.
- How can you eliminate duplicate id's where employee list contains duplicate id's and sort by employee name.
- Why should override hashcode() method?
- What is the difference between concatination method and adding elements to the existed object like Sting s="a"; String s="a"+"b"+"c";
- map.put("a",a); map.put("b",c); map.put("a",b); it will works or not?
IBS 25th Jan 2014
- Create10 Employee objects using HashMap interface and that Employee object should contain Name, Age, Joblevel, Experience.
IGATE : 25th Jan 2014
- What are oops Principles
- Write custom Exception with an example
- Write a query to retrieve 2nd highest salary employee from employee table
- Where shall we get SESSION object? how it will be created?
- How can we rollback a transaction either any one of the condition fails in the HIBERANTE
- On which basis can we know that the defined exceptions comes under either CHECKED or UNCHECKED exceptions
- What will be the output of the below program.
public void show()
class B extends A
public void show()
public class inheritence
public static void main(String[] a)
A a=new B();;
A a=new A();;
B b=new B();;
Hey I just finished reading your blog and I think it's great. I've been looking for some tips on Java interview questions and star interview questions and answers since the last week and I was really getting frustrated at not finding some useful tips.